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Z – Science of Tears

science of tears

To further explore grief, I wanted to learn a bit about the science behind it. The Microscopic Structure of Dried Human Tears by Joseph Stromberg explains and evaluates a fascinating set of images of human tears produced under different emotions. They range from joyful reunions to loss, even including onion-induced tears photographed by Rose-Lynn Fisher. Fisher collected and photographed more than 100 tear samples from both herself and volunteers. The variety of results were astonishing.

Third Story Critique: The Microscopic Structure of Dried Tears

I critiqued this story based upon a new trait analysis model from the Lankshear and Knobel’s Appendix: Some popular everyday remix practices. This was new territory that strayed from Ohler’s rubric, but we were deeper into our New Literacies text and we needed to critique through a deeper, relevant remix lens.

  1. Expressing a journalistic identity—having something to say that appeals to others
  2. Expressing an identity as an artist—being able to write
  3. Developing artistic skills—developing a personal “style” that is nonetheless in keeping with the original texts/images

Peer Help:

I was struggling with where to go for my next story. My classmate Kirk suggested exploring the science of grief, which proved helpful.